It’s easy for me to stand here and tell you how great it is to work with me…

But it’s much more impactful to hear it directly from past clients!

(Click the small triangle on the left of each below to view the full testimonial videos…)

*Names link to individual’s LinkedIn account (when link is present)

Case Study #1 – Cassie Adkins

Case Study #2 – Chris Schutt

Case Study #3 – Melissa Bloom

Case Study #4 – Marcus Frick

Case Study #5 – Carmel Imhof

Case Study #6 – Chris Torrents

Case Study #7 – Kolten Schnell

Case Study #8 – Meg Montagno

Case Study #9 – Simona Sudit

Case Study #10 – Mike Magruder

Case Study #11 – Adam Barrett